Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Lizy Reviews: Fridays with the Wizards by Jessica Day George

Just to warn you, this is a brutally honest, spoilery, and negative review. 

Thankfully, Fridays with the Wizards picks up roughly where Thursdays with the Crown left off. The Glower children and company have returned from the other world with the griffins and the Castle has been set to rights. But nothing huge happens in Thursdays, apart from Wizard Arkwright escaping from confinement and terrorizing the castle inhabitants, but he lurks in the background more than anything. The solution seems to be to use a lockbox developed by Queen Selina to close off some of the castle's secret passageways and cut him off--you would think that would be a big deal, erasing parts of the castle forever, but none of the parts that matter are sacrificed in the end.

Via Amazon

To be honest, I'm not nearly as impressed with this installment of the Castle Glower series as with the previous episodes. There were a few things I did like, however: we get more character development for the Queen and Celie's brother Bran. Celie also is having character development and pre-teen ANGST as Lilah and Lulath get engaged and make preparations for marriage (which is understandable since I do not like them together). The more critical moments of the story are when Celie has to take initiative to fight Arkwright by herself.  However, Lulath still has cool moments.  And the griffins are as cool as ever, even without being in the spotlight as much in the story. Fridays with the Wizards ties together the series I wouldn't say neatly but comfortably.

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